Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Square Watermelons and Cabin Fever

Square Watermelon

Have you ever heard of square watermelon? Apparently it’s all the rage in Japan, selling for ridiculous sums of money. At least it won’t roll around in the fridge!

You would have to build the frame out of wood and use thick Plexiglas or other thick, clear plastic for the six sides. The growing fruit would probably break glass. You would also need to put some type of ventilation holes in the box or else the fruit would rot or get cooked in the hot sun.

With the shorter growing season in Canada this concept would probably be better suited to pumpkins. I wonder how difficult it would be to carve a square pumpkin. You could make a really good Sponge Bob Square Pants out of a rectangular pumpkin. Why not make a triangular frame and carve a bunch of cone heads? They’d be sure get win something at the fall fair.

Why not take this concept a little further and grow the perfect peppers for stuffing, ones that don’t tip over? Tomatoes wouldn’t work because the skin is too thin. I wonder if this theory would work with apples.

It’s obviously been a long winter. I think cabin fever has started to set in because I’m actually thinking about trying to grow square fruit and vegetables. We really need spring to arrive quickly!!

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