Monday, April 21, 2008

Some Useful Gadgets and Time Savers

There is a lot of garden gadgets out there to save you time and space. Some are useful. Some are not.

This is not really a gardening gadget but living in Canada where we get snow, and I hate to shovel, I found this and thought it was pretty neat. It's a snow auger shovel. It has a rotary auger across the blade that throws the snow to the side as you push it along the ground. No need to lift and throw the snow to the side. It's also very energy efficient as it doesn't use electricity, gas or batteries. Just human power, but less human power than a regular shovel.
Have you ever tried to move a large planter that was filled with dirt and plants? Very heavy!! So you try to sort of roll it on it's edge and the planter gets away from you and tips over? The PotLifter is great for moving large pots. It still takes two people to move the planter but the handles give you a very good grip so it won't slip and spill.
Living in Canada we get cold weather. There's no way around it. Having limited garden space there isn't a lot of room for cold frames and greenhouses. This portable greenhouse cover is perfect for protecting you new seedlings from a late frost or getting an early start to the planting season.

The sunlight calculator takes the guess work out of choosing plants for your garden. Just stick it in the ground and set it. Come back in 24 hours and it will tell you if that area is full sun, part sun, part shade etc. It makes a trip to the garden centre much easier as you will know what plants will flourish in that area.
If you have rose bushes you've probably been stabbed and scratched by the thorns. The rose dethorner quickly and easily removes the thorns so you don't get scratched and stabbed!
Most regular garden tools are too big and awkward for container gardening. This tool kit is perfect for anyone who container gardens. It even comes with it's own storage caddy to keep all your tools together so don't waste time looking for and collecting them.

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